Dr. Tobias Schwinge

Dr. Tobias Schwinge

Phone +49 40 35610-0 | schwinge[at]krohnlegal.de |

From the beginning of his practice as a lawyer, Tobias Schwinge specialises in the area of employment and labour law. He has been a specialised lawyer (Fach­anwalt) for employment and labour law since 2004. His clients include companies from various sectors. Furthermore, he advises and represents executive managers. In addition to that Tobias Schwinge is active in the area of company law, particularly regarding interfaces with employment and labour law.


  • Universität Regensburg
  • Referendariat beim OLG Hamburg
  • Promotion an der Universität Regensburg


  • Urteilsanmerkung zu LAG Köln 5 Sa 1323/08, in: ZLR 2009, 514
  • Leistungsschutzrechte von ausübenden Künstlern im Arbeitsverhältnis, Hamburg 1999
